This has got to be some of the best dressing ever. After looking for different ways at making this I decided to take the ingredients that in my opinion make up the essential Italian ingredients. This is hard for me to put into measurements because it all depends on how much of each of these ingredients you like the flavor of, being it more or less and then how big of a batch you will be making.
Here is a list of the ingredients and how I made our dressing:
I made a small batch.
3 cloves of minced garlic
Maybe 1/4 cup of rice wine vinegar.
About 3 Tablespoons of Balsamic vinegar.
Approximately 1/2 to 3/4 cup of olive oil.
Black pepper, sweet basil and oregano added to the mix so that looks like the amount you would like to have.
*I made ours, as you can see in a small mason jar. I put all of ingredients in the jar and put the lid on and shook it up. Ready to pour on top of your salad.
I know this may not be the best list of measured ingredients but honestly I added ingredients on how every thing looked to me in the jar and by what we like. I suppose a good note would be that you would want half of your liquid to be olive oil to the other half being the rice wine vinegar and balsamic vinegar combined. The rest is dried seasoning and all depends on your taste preference.