Hello. We at 3Beeze are still alive and doing well. Oh my goodness I can not tell you how crazy the past few months have been for us (it shows in my absence here). A quick recap of the last part of 2014 for us this first full week of this New Year. (Can't believe we are in January already.) Aug. 2014 had my mom and my aunt staying with us, as has been the tradition for the past 10 years. I always enjoy their visits. We visited with our niece and her husband who came up for a job interview which went well. Sept. 2014 had us deep in school. Me back to work and my son back to school like summer had never happened. There were some minor adjustments that needed to be made, which caused a good amount of stress for my son the first month or so and then things finally settled into a nice routine by the time Oct. rolled in. Oct. 2014 had us humans settled but the lady clucks were in the beginning stages of one heck of a molt. We're talking next to no feathers left on their bodies. Wow, they are sure ugly when they go through this kind of a molt and we had no eggs. Nov. 2014 had us with an additional 4 mouths and bodies in our house. Our niece with her two boys and husband were staying with us until they could secure a home. That was one long and hectic month. With still no eggs. Thanksgiving was a full house. With 12 hungry mouths at the farm table. Food was awesome and there were mounds of left overs. We had to add a table and use some creative seating tactics and pull out two sets of dishes but everyone left happy and full. Our home was ours again. Everyone went home. Time enough to get my house back in order and rooms back that we had given over to our niece and her family. Mountains of bed clothes to wash. I thought I'd never finish. I did. Just in time to put harvest decorations away and pull out Christmas. With just two weeks before the day. Then the gift shopping commenced. We kept it easy and light and enjoyed a very quiet and still Christmas holiday. Jan. 2015 -- here we are. With eggs!! The clucks decided they could lay eggs again. What a great way to start 2015!!