Been doing lots of cleaning and gleaning through things around here. Have been doing spring cleaning and working mostly downstairs. It is nearly finished and then I will be moving upstairs to give some detailed cleaning to the blinds which are covered in thick dust, the floors a heavy mop and then move all of the furniture so the wood floors can be cleaned and treated. I love the wood floors and don't mind treating them. I treat them twice a year, once in preparation for the winter onslaught of water, mud and melting snow and then after winter in order to give them some TLC after the long winter. They shine so nicely and deeply after they have been treated. Our household is not easy on these old wood floors either. Between human foot traffic and the animals tracking dirt and mud and wet into the house, these wood floors are put through it hard. But they continue to withstand the use and continue to shine through it all. A few squeeks and creeks here and there but that just adds to their character and their story. After the wood floors are treated then I am done with the spring cleaning. Then I think it is on to taking an easy summer.