It has been 2 years since we began this journey of our little homestead and the things that come along with it. Along the way we had another journey that seems like a lifetime ago but is ever present in the scheme of things and events here. One that is knit with the basic ideas of the first journey we began but has been ever so life changing. One that we never anticipated that we would be taking. 2012 January. The idea of living simpler, eating healthier and concentrating on a less stressful lifestyle. We were excited to start this journey and live it. May 2012. Husbands Mom became dreadfully ill and we nearly lost her. I watched this take a tole on my husband, all I could do was be there. I couldn't remove the pain or shoulder the experience. Summer 2012. Husband became ill and was down for 3 weeks with an appendicitis -not a burst appendix but one that had been slowly poisoning him for 3 years and had finally culminated in him being septic, surgery to remove his appendix and nearly a month of healing. Again all I could do was watch and be strong. I couldn't lessen the pain. Mean while my Mom-in-law is still very ill. September 2012-we learn that my husband must have emergency surgery in a matter of days-his life depended on it. That was a big chunk to digest. No time to make arrangements - time enough to gather a few things together and travel to the neurosurgeon and his hospital. Thus the life changing event. Again I was the watcher. The watcher of my husband as he went into surgery not knowing if I would see him alive again and if I did what condition he would be in when I saw him next. My son - not only did I have to stay strong I had to keep my thoughts moving forward to anticipate a plan of attack for us -for if I was to be my husbands caregiver, for if it was just my son and I and to look ahead to bringing my husband home well. This is the thought I focused on. I found myself many times in the only place I could find peace and reassurance - on my knees. Here is where my strength was, my courage. Mean while my Mom-in-law is still ill and we still did not know her out come.
No time for much of anything else or myself. 2014-nearly 2 years later and what seems like a lifetime ago. My Mom-in-law is on the mend and improving daily. Nearly back to herself again. After several adjustments and learning curves for us, we here at 3Beeze are nearly back to what we could call an everyday life. Some things are the same, a lot is different but in a way that knits itself to the original life change we were looking for when we started with the idea of the homestead. So here we are, ready to keep going and keep adjusting so we can continue to live this life. 

Wow - you have been carrying quite a load! I can certainly see how it everything else would have to take a back seat. I am so glad to hear everyone is on the mend and I do hope you can enjoy the upcoming spring and summer. The lifestyle you are living is healing also. Be well : )
ReplyDeleteThank you Michaele. We intend to enjoy- and we have been healing, all of us. The latest change for us has been a major over haul in how eat. We thought we ate healthy before but having changed to nothing out of a box and making almost everything from scratch we have seen a huge change in just our food department alone. It has been amazing, lots of time in the kitchen cooking but so worth it.
DeleteI'm so sorry for all you've been dealing with but happy to hear things appear to be going well now. Life sure is about constant adjusting, isn't it? Take care!
ReplyDeleteThank you Staci. This is life sometimes. You take what life gives you and keep moving forward. Yes there those times when you feel like crying yourself a puddle but that moment that you feel that way is not the moment to let it all go-later when the time is right. Looking forward and keeping on moving is really the only option. If you stop moving then you sink and that is not an option. So that's what we did and continue to do along with making those adjustments along the way to help smooth things out a bit. We will most certainly be taking care and moving forward. :)
DeleteI am amazed at your strength dear. You have been through a lot and I am happy to read that things are better for you know. I am one of those that believes that saying 'what does not kill us makes us stronger'. But it isn't what anyone wants to hear when the are in the midst of is only after we come through the storms of life that we can see our way clearer.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are well my dear and taking care of your own health. Sometimes while we are carrying the load, we forget to put it down long enough to take care of ourselves.
sending hugs...
Thank you so much June. And yes. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. The trick is how you weather the storms I think. I learned a lot about myself and was pretty amazed at who I found. I couldn't have done it with out my faith-I learned a lot about my faith too. All of this has sure changed the way we all think and how we tackle life's little hiccups along the way now. It is so easy to put yourself on the back burner when there are more pressing issues. But you're right, you gotta break away and make sure you take care of yourself or you are no good to anyone. Outside of being wrung out at times and a trip to the dentist those are the only areas that have been lacking so far. Thank you for the hugs. Hugs to you too :)