COLD!! We have been stuck in the 20's during the day and teens at night with no sun and no break from these temperatures.
It's good if your freezer dies or maybe you overstock and need some extra room in the freezer. Just stack it all outside. No problem. It stays frozen with no chance of a thaw.
I know, it is the middle of January and winter, but honestly, I could use a break. We even got the freezing rain today. Not only is everything frozen but now doors are frozen shut, and everywhere you step it's SLIPPERY.

I try not to be a complainer when it comes to the cold. I know I am not a cold weather kind of person and don't want to make it miserable for anyone else by my complaining. But a gal can only take so much without a break. I need some warm air!! Anything in the 40's would be warm and balmy right now. See, I'm not asking for much. I know what is a reasonable temperature for the season. Not really too sure about what Mother Nature's idea is about that reasonable temperature. Obviously we see things a little differently. 

I am however, a big dreamer. I am dreaming of warm 80 degree temps, soaking up those rays of warm sunlight, digging my toes into the warm soil and the warm, sweet smelling breeze blowing across the tops of the ripening wheat. Yep that's me over here, dreaming of summer. I am a summer lover and I know that soon my dream will come true. It's the being patient part that is the hard part.