Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Roof

   It has been about year since the completion of our coop and run. Almost complete I should say. We have had this temporary covering serving as the roof through wind, rain and snow. It did a fine job.
   As you can see from this picture there is now a metal roof covering the exsisting temporary covering. We have had this sheet of metal waiting for installation on the coop since the end of summer. 

So, during our unseasonably warm weather a few weeks ago, I got myself in gear and went out and measured and cut the metal and proceeded to get it on the coop.

Now that the roof is complete it is time to move towards enlarging our run for the addition of new peeps and refiguring the roosts in the coop.   


  1. Great roof! i also have to finish the larger chicken run that I started the end of the summer. Wonder what today will hold?? Fingers crossed for clear weather and ambition!

  2. I love your coop - it's so cute. I hope the chickens know just how lucky they are! :)

  3. I love your chicken coop! Very nice indeed!
    Hey just an fyi, I hope you don't mind me saying, I love your new look to the blog, but the black print on the dark back ground is hard to read.

    1. Thanks for the input. I have been thinking that as I have been reading. Now that you say it I know a change is in order. I don't mind you sayin at all. Thanks again!!


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