After a week of heavy rain on and off the level of productivity for things getting done outside was way down. As the weekend approached the weather was looking promising for getting some things done. Had blue clear skies with no rain over the weekend. Spent the whole weekend outside. First item on the list was getting the garden planted. This took most of the day on Saturday but it was a success. Planted seeds of every shape and size and a few plants. It will be nice when the seeds sprout so that we can see where stuff is. Right now, outside of the few plants we planted, the garden is a large dirt slab. The only way to know where things are is by the small labels that are stuck in the ground at the beginning of each row. Hurry up and grow!!!
The planted garden. You wouldn't know it but it is. |
Tomato plants and onion sprouts in the background. |
We also painted a garden tool shed that we acquired for free. Unfortunately I didn't take any before pictures but let me just say that this shed looks a billion times better then it did before being painted. Amazing what a little bit of paint will do! This shed will store our rakes, shovels etc. and the tiller as well as our hay mower and some plastic garbage cans that will store the wood shavings that will be used for the coop.
The painted garden shed that looks a billion times better. |
The Buff's looking out of the window at bed time. |
The huge evergreen tree got a nice trim job, building materials and gardening items were picked up and put away, the lawn got mowed and we even had some time to enjoy sitting around the fire pit and visiting with the neighbors and letting the girls out to forage in the yard. Glad to have been able to accomplish so many things this weekend.