Friday, January 24, 2014

Square Foot Real Estate

Square footage. That's some touchy real estate. I think if we all had a choice we would have as much as we could possibly get our hands on. But for most of us that just isn't the case. If you have the space and the funds and are contemplating chickens or a new coop and run build it bigger then you think you will need. You will use the space. I wish we would have built our sweet coop double the size it is. Cause guess what? We want more clucks. We have been able to add a few each year and will be able to add a few more this year but then that's it. We'll be done with adding clucks to the space we have for them. You see it all hinges on the square footage. A bigger space for the clucks is always better. Our hens have a nice size run and spend most of their time there. Using the coop to lay eggs and sleep. We also give them time out of the run out in the back yard. Allowing us to have a few more clucks then if we kept them cooped up all the time. If the clucks will be spending all of their time inside the coop, then in my opinion it would be best to have a minimum of 4 to 5 sq ft per bird. But have a look at what 4 sq ft really looks like and you will see it's not much space at all - so more space is better. If you have an enclosed run space along with your coop then a minimum of 8 to 10 sq ft outside per each bird. But again that just isn't that much space and if you can go bigger then by all means do so. Taking into consideration your own unique location and situation for your clucks and how many you think you would like to have, key word being think, because once you have clucks you will inevitably want more. Rethink what size coop and run you can build or accommodate because this will determine the number of clucks you will be able to have.                                                                                


  1. I try really hard to just have a few clicks. I've told myself 8 max. I current.y only have six and that is perfect for me. I can't keep up with egg production so I give lots of eggs away. My hens are let out everyday to free range the yard in winter. Summer they have to stay to the side yard. Too much poo on the patio. But they have a nice coop yard to be confined in when I travel. It keeps them safe from those dreaded racoons!!! I so agree about bigger for I enlarge the coop yard a year ago and they are happy hens. Enjoy your weekend!!!

    1. We will enjoy our weekend for sure. I would love to let ours be out all of the time but with the dogs and hawks and all the other critters out there we can't and way too much poo from our 13 clucks. How do they make so much? I can't stand it on the patio. Have a great weekend yourself Junebug. :)

  2. Very nice post. Some useful information here!

    1. Glad it is useful. If I had it to do over I would go bigger by lots. We love our clucks and their eggs. We are always wanting more come spring.


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