Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chicken Breeds

     I have been reading over all of the listings that I can find about chicken breeds. I knew that there were several but I didn't realize that several was as much as it was. My reading started off with the chickens that would start our flock. Docile, friendly, sweet, good egg layer, cold hearty. All of these things were what we were looking for. There are some very cool breeds that encompasse these features. Buff Orpington, Light Brahma, Black Australorp and Welsummers are the breeds we chose to start our flock. There are so many others as well but these were the breeds that we were able to get at our local feed store. I would like to try them all but I don't have enough room for that. So far out of the chickens we have we all have a favorite. Mine are the Light Brahmas. They are so sweet and very smart. They like to cuddle in when you hold them as well. My son really enjoys our Buff Orpingtons. They are very curious about everything around them and like to purch on his arm or sit on his leg. My husband really likes the Welsummers. They are the little athletes out of the group and very smart and quick but will settle down and snuggle for a few moments too. I really love the Black Autralorps too. They are the quiet ones and seem to be the observers. All of these birds very much like to be around us and start to peeping when we come and see them. What are your favorite breeds? Do you have a breed that you wish you had? A breed that your flock will never be with out?


  1. You know, oddly enough, the chickens we've had the most luck with are boring ol' Rhode Island Reds. They're friendly and productive as layers. We got Buff Oprhingtons because we heard they were so friendly...I think ours missed that part of the chicken book because they're about the snootiest things I've ever seen. I guess every chicken is different. Maybe our Buffs just didn't want to "Be like everyone else" ? ;)

    1. You know that's funny. When I was a kid our family had RIR's and there was only one hen that was nice and the rest weren't exactly mean but they weren't nice either. Hoping for better luck with this group of girls. Time will tell.

  2. Right now I would love to have any chickens! But, honestly, I have my favorites for different reasons. The sex links lay all winter, the Buffs are big and fluffy, the Faverolles are the sweetest and some others are just plain pretty and fun to watch.

    1. I agree Berte. I really enjoy watching our chicks and sometimes they do the funniest things. I have heard that Faverolles are very sweet. Eggs are good to have around all year long too. Is your chicken dry spell a long or short one? My chicken dry spell lasted 20 years.

  3. My neighbors across the street have chickens and it's funny to hear them talk about them like they were definitely pets, how friendly they are, how they like to sit on their laps. They just purchased some new babies, so I must get over and take some pics before they get too big.

    1. They really do grow fast.They change daily too.

  4. Funny how those chickens all have their own little personalities :)

    We are 'chicken-less' at the present time, but we've had about all of the breeds at one time or another.
    We love the little mille fleur chickens. They are cutie-patooties.

    The sex links and the R.I . Reds have always been good layers.

    Maybe you can go in with some friends on a chicken order and get a larger variety of chickens.

    I really want to try to have some blue andalusian chickens next time around... I'm not 100% certain that they can survive our extreme winters.
    We have friends near by that have one, and it seems to thrive .. so we'll see :)

    Have a great weekend!


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